October 19, 2018
We’ve all been there, done that: It’s after hours, you need to see a doc, and urgent care is slammed. Renown now offers a convenient option that will enhance your experience.
Here’s How Book Ahead Works:
- From your phone or computer, you can check urgent care wait times around our region. This lets you see if the urgent care by your office is busier than the one closest to home — which may help your planning.
- Through Book Ahead, you can join the line at a specific urgent care just as you would in person. This allows you to stay home or at work as long as possible so you are more comfortable.
When and Where to Receive Care
We have many choices when it comes to our medical care. Should you visit a doctor’s office, urgent care, emergency care or make a Virtual Visit? It’s important to know which choice is right for your situation or condition. We asked Luis Palacio, M.D., with Renown Urgent Care to explain the differences and how to make your visit as smooth as possible.
If you have been experiencing flu-like symptoms for less than 48 hours, call your doctor’s office. They can then determine if you can be treated with a prescription antiviral medicine.
Visit urgent care or the emergency room only if you are unable to eat or drink anything and may be dehydrated, have a fever over 102.5 degrees F, or are experiencing shortness of breath.
You can use Renown’s Virtual Visits videoconference service for flu-like symptoms so that you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home and you reduce the risk of spreading the virus to others. Virtual Visits allow you to see an urgent care provider from your home or office using a cellphone, computer or tablet with video capabilities. It is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
How Do You Book Virtual Visits?
Learn more about how to Book Ahead at Renown urgent care below.