S10.E02: Forever Young [Valerie Bertinelli & Brendan Fraser] - Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis G

July 2024 · 1 minute read

3 hours ago, Yeah No said:

There's also the possibility that he left because he thought she might have cheated on him and wasn't sure the baby was his.  

I considered this scenario too.

There are a lot of possibilities.

I guess the editors decided Valerie Bertinelli’s positive spin was enough speculation?

A variation on my speculation above that

9 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

the baby was fathered by Valerie's great-grandfather and her grandfather just married Domenica so the baby would not be illegitimate…

could be that Valerie’s great-grandfather only claimed the baby as his son’s (since his son was married to the mother) to protect the son’s and the family’s reputation.

Even if it was possible to obtain DNA from children of the baby who HLG Jr refers to as VB’s grandfather’s half-brother, the relationships could not be entirely unraveled unless maybe there was something definitive in the letters.

But the letters could only reflect the beliefs and understandings of the writer, which may be in part why their contents was not included in the episode.🤷🏻‍♀️
